Wonderful Dry Cabinet AD-040C
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Wonderful Dry Cabinet AD-040C

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Dry Cabinet Wonderful AD-040C

The WONDERFUL DRY-CABINET maintain a low humidity inside the cabinet while the temperature at room temperature. This helps to prevent items becoming moldy, rusty, or from absorbing moisture, therefore the cabinet is ideal for moisture-proof storage of items related photographs and image, items related hobby and art, electrical parts, precision mechanical parts, items related chemical chemical, items related agriculture and gardening, items related food.

Reference humidity of storing items


Suitable storage of items

60% - 55 %

Paintings, antiques, Paper money, old books, Fax paper, copy paper.

55% - 45%

Cameras, Vidio cameras, Lenses, microscopes, binoculars, magnetic tape, disks, records, film, negatives, positive film. Musical instrument, stamps, furs, etc. Medicinal materials, tea, coffee, cigarette.


Precision dies, measurement instruments, all electronic parts, pc boards, metallic powders, semiconductors, medical supplies ets.


Sample, standard measuring tool, seeds, pollen, seedlings etc.

Dry Cabinet Wonderful AD-040C

The WONDERFUL DRY-CABINET maintain a low humidity inside the cabinet while the temperature at room temperature. This helps to prevent items becoming moldy, rusty, or from absorbing moisture, therefore the cabinet is ideal for moisture-proof storage of items related photographs and image, items related hobby and art, electrical parts, precision mechanical parts, items related chemical chemical, items related agriculture and gardening, items related food.

Reference humidity of storing items


Suitable storage of items

60% - 55 %

Paintings, antiques, Paper money, old books, Fax paper, copy paper.

55% - 45%

Cameras, Vidio cameras, Lenses, microscopes, binoculars, magnetic tape, disks, records, film, negatives, positive film. Musical instrument, stamps, furs, etc. Medicinal materials, tea, coffee, cigarette.


Precision dies, measurement instruments, all electronic parts, pc boards, metallic powders, semiconductors, medical supplies ets.


Sample, standard measuring tool, seeds, pollen, seedlings etc.

Exterior:W334 x D328 x H440
Interior:W310 x D300 x H405
Carry Tray:2
Humidity Control (internal)